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King's Guard: An Indie video game, a text based strategy RPG!

Welcome to the website of King's Guard, an open source text based rpg game. I made this game in my free time, and is a solo passion project. The game is inspired by the netflix original called "The dragon prince".

If you're at all interested, I reccomend installing the game, and giving it a try. If you don't like the idea of installing a .exe file from the internet. There's a 100% safe solution.

Of course downloading the game from this website is safe, but you get the point. Travel to GitHub.com/NathanBerglas/Kings-Guard to see the source code. There you can see my source files, and compile it yourself, or clone the git repository.

Thank you for visiting my site, and I wish you luck, on your journey to be the very best King's Guard.

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