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King's Guard: An Indie video game, a text based strategy RPG!

King's Guard is a video game develloped in C++ by one developper (me). This game is done completly by text, and therfore has no graphics, but still promotes strategy and is very fun. The game consist of you moving around, and encountering monsters, which you not only have to outpower, you also have to outwit. If you are interested, download the game, the actual game size is very small, so it won't take long to download. This game is inspired by the Netflix original The Dragon Prince, but has no affililation with Wonderstorm or Netflix.

King's Guard is open source, and you can find it on github here: GitHub.com/NathanBerglas/Kings-Guard. This is covered under the GNU license, you can check it out at GNU General Public License.

I wish you luck on your misssion, to be the best king's guard there has ever been!

Some icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com